If you choose to report anonymously, you will not share your name or contact details. King’s will not get any identifying information from you, and thus we'll be unable to get in touch or give advice on how to resolve the situation or any actions you can take. There is some limited action King’s can take if names or any identifying information is mentioned in the incident details. 

Please be assured that take all reports of bullying and harassment seriously, including those made anonymously.  However, we do encourage you to make a report with your contact details whenever possible - this does not automatically initiate a formal complaints process but allows us to provide you with appropriate support and information on your options. 

What happens when someone makes an anonymous report?

  • The report will be viewed by a dedicated staff member from Student Conduct & Appeals and reports that concern staff members will also be shared with a dedicated staff member in Human Resources.
  • They will first review the report to identify any risks that relate to duty of care. If no immediate risk is identified, no immediate action will be taken.
  • The information kept will be for trend analysis used to inform proactive prevention. 
  • The confidentiality of all parties involved is maintained to the highest extent possible. Although the report is anonymous, the details are treated with sensitivity and discretion.

What action can King’s take from anonymous reports?

We may be limited in terms of the action we can take depending on the details of the report. For example, if an anonymous report contains very few details we may be unable to act further and we will unlikely be able to launch a formal investigation as a result of the anonymous report. 

King’s will:

  • Investigate any anonymous report regarding a named individual that contains incidents of a serious nature such as sexual assault, physical assault, or activity that could pose significant risk to the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and/or students.
  • Initiate a discussion with any staff member when two or more anonymous reports regarding them are received and will escalate to an investigation under the relevant Disciplinary Policy if appropriate.
  • Undertake regular trend analysis of the types of anonymous reports being submitted to inform local and University-level action planning.

We will compile anonymous, aggregated data reports from the information you provide. The University will use the information you provide to help us understand what kinds of incidents are taking place within our community which will support us in taking positive actions and implementing relevant interventions.

Reports on the data collected will be presented to relevant organisational committees so they are able to have a better understanding of what staff and students experience.

While the anonymity of the reporter is preserved, we will ensure that the overall findings and any actions taken are communicated appropriately.  This is to ensure transparency and reinforce the university’s commitment to a safe and respectful studying environment and workplace.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened