What happens when I make a named report?

You can expect to be treated with respect and dignity at all times. 
  • If you share your name when submitting your report, you will have the opportunity to say what your desired outcome is.
  • You can request information about support services, but no further action to be taken, or you may wish someone from a relevant support service to get in touch with you. 
  • You can also use Report + Support to make a complaint, if you would like the university to investigate your concerns.
Once you submit your report, a dedicated staff member from Student Conduct & Appeals will review it, and if it is appropriate, refer you to the appropriate support service or team in the university. 

If you ask to make a complaint to be investigated, your report will be referred to a case manager in the appropriate team for investigation. 
  • If you are a student, or your complaint is about the conduct of a student, then your concerns will be referred to Student Conduct & Appeals. 
  • If you are a staff member reporting concerns about another staff member, your report will be referred to the relevant Senior HR Business Partner within Human Resources.

When will the university respond?

We aim to respond to all named reports as soon as possible, and at least within 3 working days. We will write to you to confirm that your report has been received, even if you do not wish for any further action to be taken.

If you have not heard from us within 5 working days of submitting your report, please contact reportandsupport@kcl.ac.uk to let us know.

It is very important that if you require medical assistance, urgent support, or you are unsafe, that you do not wait for a response before you seek assistance. You can find information about urgent support on Student Services Online.

Can I speak to someone instead?

Yes. The university offers a range of support services you can contact before deciding whether to submit a report, or if you do not wish to make a report.

If you would like to speak to someone informally about your options, you can email reportandsupport@kcl.ac.uk.

Will someone know that I have made a report about them?

Another person will not be told that you have made a report if you have requested support, or for no further action to be taken. 

If you wish to make a complaint or raise a grievance, and for the university to investigate your report, the person you have made the report about will be informed of the investigation. They will have the opportunity to provide their version of events. This is to ensure the process is fair. If you make a report, we will speak to you first to explain the process and confirm you are happy to proceed with an investigation.

I’m worried about my safety if I make a report

The university may be able to support you with practical options to help you feel safe and comfortable. The options depend on your circumstances and we will talk to you about what is right for you. 

If you’re a student, some options for you might include moving to another King’s Residence or alternative accommodation, changing classes, or a 'No Contact Agreement'. 

If you’re a member of staff, Human Resources your line manager will consider if there are any changes to working arrangements which may be appropriate, for example to assist with limiting contact between you and the person you have made the report about.  

What happens if I make a complaint or raise a grievance for investigation?

Your complaint will be carefully reviewed and considered, and you will have the opportunity to discuss the process and the incident with the case manager who is investigating. The case manager may need to ask you for information about what has occurred. 

We understand that recounting the detail of the incident can be uncomfortable. The case manager will do everything they can to make you feel safe and comfortable to participate in the investigation. In addition, we encourage you to bring a support person with you to any meeting with the case manager, if you wish.

Once the case manager has all the information you wish to provide, they will contact the person you have made the report about. 
  • The person you have made the report about will be informed of any allegations against them. 
  • You do not need to speak to them or have any contact with them. 
  • The case manager will contact the other person and will speak to the other person about the incident. They may also speak to witnesses, if there are any, and it is appropriate to do so.
Once the case manager has reviewed all the information provided, they will consider whether the university’s policies have been breached. 
The relevant service will make a decision about the case and will write to you with an outcome to your complaint.

Will I be told the outcome of the investigation?

You will be provided with an outcome of your complaint or grievance, including whether it was upheld or dismissed. You will also be told information which is relevant to you – such as any actions taken to ensure your safety or support in your studies or your work.

You will be told if the university has taken remedial action against the person you have reported, but you may not be told all the details about the action if this does not relate to you.

Will my report affect my academic record or employment?

Making a report or requesting support will not be shown on your academic or staff record, or in employment references.

If you have experienced harassment, sexual or physical misconduct, the university has support available to help you with your academic work. If you need help with your academic work, please take a look at our information in our Academic, digital & employability skills category.

What if I am an international student?

International students who have been subjected to harassment can often be fearful of what this can mean for them in terms of costs to access services, privacy, and if it will have any effect on their student visa. 
  • The university’s support services are free. Support services provided by the NHS are also free for international students to access.
  • Making a report or contacting support services will not affect your visa. 
  • You do not need to tell your family, unless you choose to do so.

What if I change my mind?

You have control of what action you take (including no action), and you can change your mind. 

It is important you make the decision that is right for you. You may first decide to access support, before you decide whether to make a formal report. If you decide to make a formal report, you will have the opportunity to speak to someone about the process before confirming whether you would like to proceed with an investigation, or any other steps you would like to take. It is your choice to decide when or if you will access support, and whether you will make a formal report. 

King’s has policies and procedures in place to support you – when you are ready.

Who will be handling reports through this system?

When you submit your report, it will be reviewed by dedicated staff in Student Conduct & Appeals. They will review your report and what you have stated that you would like to happen next and conduct a risk assessment. 

If it is appropriate, your report will then be sent to the relevant service or team within the university. For example, if your report mentions that you would like to be contacted about support, the relevant support service (for staff or students) will be contacted. If your report mentions that you would like a formal investigation to take place, it will be shared with Human Resources (for staff) or Student Conduct & Appeals (for students).

How will King's manage malicious complaints?

Deliberately making a false report will be treated very seriously by the university. 

Deliberately making a false report can be harmful to survivors who have genuinely experience harassment, sexual or physical misconduct and who may fear that they will not be believed because other people have made false reports. We also recognise that a false report could cause significant harm or disadvantage to the person wrongly accused, and to that person’s family, friends or community.

The university respects the rights of members of the King’s community to raise complaints in good faith, however, all parties are expected to act reasonably and fairly. Submitting a report that is deliberately misleading, or contains information you know to be false, may be a breach of:
  • The university’s Misconduct Policy and/or the Fitness to Practise Policy, for students.
  • The university’s disciplinary procedures and dealt with as a conduct issue, for staff.
A malicious or vexatious report is when someone deliberately makes a false report, provides information which they knew was not true, or not genuine. 

You will not be victimised for making a genuine and honest report. If an investigation finds that there is insufficient evidence, this is not considered malicious or vexatious as long as you did not deliberately provide false information.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened