What is Report + Support?

Report + Support is an online platform where staff and students can report concerning behaviour and access support. The Report + Support webpages also have information about different types of concerning behaviour, and about internal and external support services.

Who can make a report?

Any King's student or staff member can make a report through Report + Support about concerning behaviour they have experienced or witnessed. Members of the public are also able to make reports, although our ability to respond to these is limited. 

The university encourages members of the King’s community to report inappropriate behaviour, but we acknowledge that it can be challenging and it is your decision. You can submit an anonymous report, but we encourage anyone who feels able to share their contact details to do so, as this will allow us to support you best.

If you are making a report about something you have witnessed, or which happened to another person, we will not take any action without the consent and permission of the person who experienced the behaviour. You can still make a report anonymously, or in order to access support for yourself.

What happens when I make a report?

This depends on whether you made an anonymous report or a report with your contact details. Reports are managed as follows.
You can download this as a PDF here:

What can I report?  

Any member of the King’s community can make a report concerning behaviour, such as incidents of bullying and harassment outlined in the King’s Bullying & Harassment Policy. This includes incidents which occur online via King’s platforms (such as Teams or KEATS) or on external social media. Reports can be made anonymously, or with your contact details if you would like to access support or request further action be taken.

If you have already resolved the incident informally, you can still make a report to allow the university to monitor trends in bullying and harassment and to inform proactive and preventative work.

If you are a student and your concern relates to administrative or academic issues, not bullying, harassment, sexual or physical misconduct, you should follow the Student Complaint Policy.

We will always try to support you, but there may be some incidents which we are not able to investigate. For example, if the other person involved is not a member of the King’s community, they cannot be identified, or the incident is not linked to the university.

What information do I need to provide?

When you submit a report, you will be asked questions about what happened. There is guidance and explanations about what different words mean. There is also an opportunity for you to describe what happened in your own words. If you wish to provide any evidence (for example screenshots, photographs or other information), you can email reportandsupport@kcl.ac.uk to submit this. 

If you would like your report to be investigated, you will have the opportunity to provide more information to the case manager during the investigation. You will have the opportunity to meet with them to talk about your report, if you feel it would be easier to express yourself this way.

What if it happened a long time ago?

We understand that it may take some time to decide whether or not to report an incident.  We will still provide you with information and referral to support for your wellbeing, studies or employment. There is no time limit on reporting to us, although there may be some limitations to the response we are able to provide. For example, we may not be able to investigate an incident involving someone who no longer studies or works at King’s, or if the incident happened before you were at King’s.

I’m not ready to make a report. What can I do?

You can find resources on the Report + Support webpages about different kinds of concerning incidents you may have experienced, including information about support you can access. You do not need to make a report to access support.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened