Security contacts for each campus

If you have an emergency on campus, please visit KCL Security: Contact Us.

SafeZone App

SafeZone is a free safety and wellbeing app for King’s students and staff. Through the app, you can contact the King’s security team to get help quickly in the event of an emergency, accident or if you feel vulnerable.

'Check-in' to share your location with the King’s security team, making them aware of where you are working, should you be alone or on campus out of hours.

You can even set a ‘Check–In Timer’ for a fixed time to cover the period when you are lone–working or just need reassurance when working alone on campus. Please see the ‘Checking in with SafeZone’ video for more information on this feature.

To get started, download the SafeZone app which is available for Android and for iOS. You can then use your King’s email address to login.

Want to find out more about how SafeZone works and how you can use it to get help when you need it? Watch this video on Vimeo. For more information, head over to the SafeZone website and the ‘Got any Questions’ webpage.

If you have trouble downloading the app, please contact the IT Helpdesk on +44 (0)20 7488 8888 or via email at

There are two ways you can tell us what happened